Hi everyone!
to my
official web site.
20-02-2018: About a month ago Musik i Uppland's three ensembles Linné Quintet, Trio X and Uppsala Chamber Soloists premiered my piece Att fläta en framtid, which was commissioned for their school concerts.
10-07-2017: In two days Leo Sörlin will premier two of my pieces for guitar, Iso and The Slinger and the Lowly Giant. The concert will take place at Gamla kyrkan in Östersund on July the 12th at 12:00.
04-11-2016: Today is the premier of the light festival Allt ljus på Uppsala. I have written the music for the setup Känslouniversum in SLU:s project Mitt (i) Universum. It can be witnessed at Artediparken, near Järnbron in Uppsala, between 16:00 and 23:00 everyday until November the 27th.
24-10-2016: I have just recieved a grant from Musikens hus vänner
in Uppsala. They are an organization that, among other things, supports young musicians in
the start of their careers. I am very happy and thankful for the
recognition and for this opportunity to continue my musical work.
I am currently in Umeå for a workshop with Norrlandsoperan's
Orchestra. Today they rehearsed my piece Theia Lore, and
tomorrow a recording
be made, so it will be available for listening soon.
Today at 13:00 pm, Norrbotten Improviser's Orchestra feat.
Bergmark-Klapper Duo will perform in Black Box in Studio Acusticum,
Piteå. This is the premier for this constellation and I will be a
part of the band. The concert is a part of New Directions Festival
2015. More info can be found here.
10-02-2015: Last autumn I wrote a choral piece that will premier today
at Piteå school of Music as a part of Helena Holmlund's bachelor
thesis. There are also eleven other newly composed pieces, by fellow
composers that will premier as well, and we have all been alloted
a theme from the liturgical year. The theme for my piece is the
ascension of Christ.
After rigging the stage and having a very good dress rehearsal, I feel
excited for tomorrows grand concert, where my piece Tragedy
of the Commons will premier.
This will be the artistic part of my master thesis.
I participated in a workshop with Norrbotten Neo today. They played my
composition Last
Piece of the Puzzle. It includes an electro-acoustic part. The
recording of this piece will be up soon.
my first from-the-beginning-made surround song is complete. Previous
surround releases have been remixes from stereo tracks. But now I
can present the piece Vales of Tears
in 7.1 (it is still possible to listen to it in stereo,
Now the recording sessions of my newly composed jazz album is complete.
Mixing the recording will be done this summer.
Salvatore Sciarrino is in Piteå, having a three-days masterclass.
I am one of the participants and Quartetto Prometeo will perform our
pieces in conjunction with this.
Today I am in Umeå, participating in a workshop with
Norrlandsoperan's Symphony Orchestra. Recording will be up soon.
Tomorrow by 1:00 pm at Piteå Museum Anna
Swedén, Josefine
Gellwar Madsen and Mikael Roos will premier my piece Detaching Absence
for flute, soprano and clarinet.
piece Lingering Regrets have been
selected as one of six contributions to participate in the finals of
tonsättartävling 2014. The competition takes place in
konsert and kongress 7:00 pm 13-03-2014. It is also possible to listen
it live on SR P2 here:
Learn more about Uppsala tonsättartävling at miu.se.
SMASK in Piteå is tomorrow and I have written the ouverture.
be seen live in Acusticum, Piteå or at smask.org/pitea.
PiteFM also sends
live at pitefm.se/

Photo by Paulin